Recycled lawn seats

Lawn seats
Lawn seats
Here’s a super smart idea for recycling tyres. Turn them into lawn seats. This park in the historic town of Lima, Peru incorporates tyre planters, tyre seats and a children’s playground made up of recycled plastic and tyres. How clever is that?!

More images from Architizer.


  1. lovely idea for re-use, and attractive!

  2. i can see me tryin veggies this way.have lots of tires… heavy equipment tires best

  3. I love this idea! Especially in my area, too many gophers and moles. I have animals and dont like the idea of poison or traps anyway. I am going to do some with Burpees new line of container gardening seeds. Ive been a nursery owner and hubby is a Landscape designer/contractor. This is a great idea for clients. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Too creative. I already stack tires up to grow invasive perennial herbs(horseradish, mints). Stack ’em one or two higher to make the seats without the legs. I like quick and easy, no patience to attach legs. Dump the dirt in and go!

  5. Ok I love this idea but how do u get them to not get black stuff all over everyone ?

  6. Selza Ferrer-Picou says:

    I love the recycled tire lawn seats.. How do I go about getting step by step instructions
    to try at home?

    • Hi there
      Sorry, this is not one of my DIYs, but I should imagine you would need some kind of waterproof base with draining holes within the tyre to hold soil, then plant it. Add some lets to the base.

  7. I love that use of old tyres. I am now making a so called wish list for my garden. I wanted to use rubbish from my garage all around the house so it is like my recycle project. That pare of old tyres will finally get in use again. Great post, thanks for the idea!

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